1. Main shipping methods: YunExpress, DHL, FedEx.
2. Time: 5-10 days to arrive.

We offer 30 days return service from the date of receipt of the merchandise. Items must be unused, undamaged, come with all original tags and their original packaging. If not, the customer is responsible for all incurred fees and no refund will be issued. If you would like a refund, please contact us. After you initiate a refund request, our staff will contact you within 24 hours.

Once your returned package is received and inspected, a refund will be processed within 24 hours. The refund will be directly issued to your original payment account within several days. For any inquiries, please reach out via email to support@hna.com as your initial point of contact.

We accept the secure PayPal & credit cards.

With the exception of products explicitly labeled as synthetic in the title, all other items are all 100% human virgin hair – hair weaves, hair extensions, wigs, lace closures, and frontals in any style and color.

We provide the highest grade of hair on the market, and with proper care, the wig will last well over 1 year.

HNA Hair has been tested by the National Hair Products and Hair Care Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, certifying it as 100% Virgin Human Hair. Chemical-free, it’s soft, smooth, bouncy, and doesn’t shed. Plus, it’s dye and bleach-friendly.

Handle the hair as you would your own. While using a flat iron, straightener, or curling tongs is fine occasionally, avoid excessive heat styling to prevent drying out the hair, ensuring its longevity.

Yes, our natural black hair can be dyed into other colors. . However, we strongly advise that you seek a professional colorist to obtain optimal results and prevent over processing.

Start by detangling your item using a wide-tooth comb to remove any knots. Then, in a large bowl filled with water, add a cap full of shampoo for the item. Gently swirl the item in the solution and let it soak for 10 minutes. Afterward, rinse the item until the water runs clear. Wrap it in a towel and gently pat dry to remove excess water. Finish by applying leave-in conditioner, concentrating on the ends where tangles are most common. Allow the item to air dry.


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